Using the latest research into Applied Linguistics, our tool is trusted by universities, colleges and organisations across the world, including:

Text Inspector is the most widely used text analyser for preparing teaching materials, tests and evaluating students’ work.
Created by renowned Professor Applied Linguistics, Stephen Bax, Text Inspector won the 2017 British Council ELTons Digital Innovation Award. Text Inspector is also supported by its academic partners, the Centre of Research in English Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA) at the University of Bedforshire.
Professor Stephen Bax came up with and started developing the idea of an automated tool which could help analyse texts linguistically while studying for a masters at Edinburgh University.
As a part of his research into Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and his development of preliminary ideas for Text Inspector, Professor Stephen Bax wrote the influential article on ‘CALL – past, present and future’ which has been cited over 1400 times.
Professor Stephen Bax finally decided to put his work into practice, so he registered the domain name and officially founded Text Inspector.
With Text Inspector growing, Professor Bax decided he needed professional software developers, so he reached out to the professional software development team at Versantus who we have been working with ever since.
Text Inspector won the prestigious British Council ELTons award for Digital Innovation.
Unfortunately, Professor Bax passed away, and his two sons took over running Text Inspector.
Text Inspector released its very own API, which has allowed hundreds of users to integrate Text Inspector into their own products.
The Text Inspector blog went live, bringing together academics and users from all around to talk about their experiences of using Text Inspector.
Text Inspector won the prestigious British Council funding award, which has allowed us to begin to improve metadiscourse in Text Inspector.
Start improving your language learning. Create better teaching materials to help empower students and further their understanding of language.
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