Text Inspector Helps You

Analyse and adapt your text

Get an overall difficulty score for your English content based on over 200 metrics

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– What is
    Text Inspector? –

Text Inspector is the most widely used text analyser for preparing teaching materials, tests and evaluating students’ work.

Created by renowned Professor Applied Linguistics, Stephen Bax, Text Inspector won the 2017 British Council ELTons Digital Innovation Award. Text Inspector is also supported by its academic partners, the Centre of Research in English Language Learning and Assessment (CRELLA) at the University of Bedforshire.


Winner of the British Council Award for Digital Innovation.

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Using the latest research into Applied Linguistics, our tool is trusted by universities, colleges and organisations across the world, including:

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-How we can help you-

Quickly analyse the vocabulary of your texts and get instant feedback on their overall impression, lexical diversity, complexity, and CEFR level.

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Discover how each feature of Text Inspector can help you below:

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Statistics And Readability

Get a detailed overview of the language level and complexity of a text

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Lexical Diversity

Discover how diverse the language used in the text is.

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British National Corpus

Understand real-world usage in the British English- speaking world

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Corpus of Contemporary American English

Analyse texts according to use in the American English-speaking world

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Academic Word List & Phrases

Learn the vocabulary you need for academic success and improve teaching materials for TOEFL and IELTS

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English Vocabulary Profile

Understand texts in terms of the CEFR level of individual words.

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Get a Lexical Profile © Score and detailed information of key language metrics used in the text

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Knowledge-Based Vocabulary List

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Parts of Speech Tagger

Analyse the text and label the role it plays in a sentence

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Metadiscourse Markers

Discover the transition words that add extra information to a text



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£9.96 / £59.76

For frequent users who want to analyse longer texts, use the EVP and download their data.

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Monthly / Yearly

£59.76 / £358.56

For organisations of up to 10 people who want to analyse longer texts, download their data and use the EVP.

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Monthly / Yearly


Perfect for occasional users

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Monthly / Yearly

£9.96 / £59.76

For frequent users who want to analyse longer texts, use the EVP and download their data.

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Monthly / Yearly

£59.76 / £358.56

For organisations of up to 10 people who want to analyse longer texts, download their data and use the EVP.

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For Developers

Full access to our API to use in your own applications. Access from £360 per year.

Bespoke Analysis

For researchers or students analysing large texts or corpora. Contact us for more information.

For Developers

Full access to our API to use in your own applications. Access from £360 per year.

Bespoke Analysis

For researchers or students analysing large texts or corpora. Contact us for more information.


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Welcome to the Text Inspector Blog


June 24, 2022

Text Inspector is the web-based language analysis tool created by renowned Professor of Applied Linguistics, Stephen Bax.




Teacher and MA student in Spain
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I analysed three main textbooks used in secondary schools in the region where I live to see how much key vocabulary they shared. Thanks to Text Inspector I discovered that the vocabulary they had was from a disproportionately wide range of levels, from A1 to C2. I also found a high proportion of vocabulary not listed. Thanks! Text Inspector formed an important part of the investigation.

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Williams, Sarah

Text inspector [online]. English Australia Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, 2018: 80-83.
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This system is ideal for language professionals, academics and students conducting linguistic research. Overall, I found Text Inspector to be a fascinating tool to explore. It is fast and comprehensive, taking a matter of seconds to produce pages of data, and it allows users to analyse reading, writing and listening texts with great accuracy and reliability. I recommend all English language institutions and teaching professionals wishing to ensure that their materials are pitched at the right level utilise Text Inspector.

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